Preply Review for Students: Lessons, Cost, Effectiveness

Preply was a game-changer for me. I first began using the site in 2019 to learn Greek. I’d spent a few months on free language apps and while I picked up the basics, I wasn’t really getting anywhere. After being introduced to a Greek tutor named Giannis, I proceeded to spend over 400 hours on the platform and have advanced to a level I never thought I’d reach.

That’s a pretty positive way to start a review, right?

But Preply isn’t perfect. It’s also not for everyone.

In the following review, I’ll take a closer look at the site and its pros and cons.

This Preply review was written from the student’s perspective. If you want to see how the site benefits tutors, check out my tutor Preply review.

Purchasing Hours = Good (has been better)

When I first joined Preply, hours were purchased in blocks of 5, 10, or 20, with minor discounts for bigger purchases. As I write this, that’s how my account continues to operate, but new members are treated a little differently.

Preply now works on a subscription model.

You decide how many hours you want per week and then pay a monthly subscription based on those hours. So, if the tutor charges $15 per lesson and you want 1 lesson a week, that’s $60 a month.

Personally, I prefer the old method, and I’m glad that my account hasn’t switched over. I add 20 hours at a time, use them as and when needed, and then buy another batch when ready. However, I think the subscription model is more beneficial for tutors.

With the previous model, it wasn’t uncommon for students to buy 10 or 20 hours, use just a handful, and then disappear. And because tutors only got paid when they complete the lessons, they weren’t benefiting.

The subscription model means the tutors get paid, but it also provides some accountability and means the students are less likely to disappear.

Do my Preply hours expire?

From a student’s perspective, there is one major flaw with the subscription model: If you don’t use your hours, they will expire.

You have 28 days to use your hours (either with your existing tutor or a new one) and will lose them if you don’t.

Thankfully, this doesn’t apply—yet—to those users who signed up for the old payment model. Unfortunately, it applies to all new members.

It’s not a massive issue though, as the hours don’t need to be used in a lesson and only need to be scheduled. So, if you can’t use active hours in the next 28 days, just schedule them for next month or whenever you’re ready. I’m sure your tutor will accommodate you if you ask.

Finding Tutors = Excellent

Preply has a wide selection of tutors covering a huge range of languages and other topics. There are qualified tutors for seemingly every major—and minor—language and all of them have profiles with reviews, descriptions, and introduction videos.

Not sure if the tutor will have a good enough webcam/connection or speak clear English? Just watch the video and check the reviews.

You can sort by location and price, including filters that specify native languages. The site also uses an algorithm that shows the most relevant tutors based on their experience/skills/price/location and whatever information it has gleaned from you.

All things considered, it couldn’t be easier to find a suitable tutor.

Can I learn with Preply?

Yes, most definitely.

I have seen some criticisms leveled at the service arguing that the lessons aren’t as good as they could or should be. Some reviewers have compared them to academic language classes and noted that they are not on the same level. But this is a P2P freelancing platform, in essence, so there will be a mix of quality and experience.

If you want to hire a writer from Upwork, you could end up with someone who’s never written anything in their life and barely speaks English or you could get a pro with 30 years of experience and multiple awards. It’s the same here. The onus is on you, the student, to find the best tutors for your needs.

Are Preply teachers good?

Yes, most of them are. It is a very competitive environment, so those who can’t cut it won’t get the students they need to sustain themselves.

What I like about the site is that everyone has their own way of teaching. Some tutors lower their prices and just pitch themselves as a conversation partner, someone with whom you can enjoy a quick chat in your target language. Others take a very strict academic approach while some bring games and quizzes into the mix.

Personally, I find that I work best with a more relaxed and casual approach mixed with stories, newspapers, textbooks, and plenty of conversations, and so I found a tutor that was able to adapt to my style.

There are probably some bad teachers out there. Undoubtedly, there will also be teachers who don’t meet your needs or won’t adapt to your style. But that’s why free trials exist.

Price = Excellent

Preply tutors charge anywhere from $1 to $100 an hour. It depends on the language, their location, and their experience.

Languages like Latin and Norwegian, for instance, usually cost upwards of $30 an hour, as tutors typically reside in countries where the cost of living is high. There is also less demand for their services so the market is not as competitive.

With Spanish, you can usually find tutors for just a few bucks per lesson, as many native speakers live in countries like Mexico, Colombia, and Venezuela, where a dollar goes much further.

Either way, there is a price point for everyone.

Is the first lesson free on Preply?

Yes, the first lesson is a trial and is conducted free of charge.

How much does Preply cost?

It depends on the tutor. You don’t pay any money to Preply, as the fee is taken from the tutor’s earnings as a commission. You only pay the amount charged by the tutor.

Interface and System = Excellent

After booking your first lesson, it will ask you for some details about yourself and your goals. These will then be passed to the tutor who will review the information and prepare your lesson.

You’ll be presented with a calendar displaying all of the tutor’s available timeslots. Just choose one, confirm, and then wait.

The tutor may send you some prep work before the lesson, after which you just need to visit the site, enter the classroom, open the webcam, and wait.

Everything is conducted through the Preply website. It includes a webcam, voice chat, and instant messaging facility, as well as file transfers and sections for homework.

Personally, I have had very few issues with this classroom. I’ve heard many tutors and students say that they prefer Italki, but I certainly can’t complain.

At the end of the lesson, the tutor may give you homework, after which you can just schedule another lesson and repeat the process. It’s all very clean, easy, intuitive, and requires minimal fuss. Just the way I like it.

Is Preply Right for me?

It always helps to have a few face-to-face discussions with a native speaker. Even if you’re a visual learner or you prefer books, these interactions form the basis of any language-learning process.

For instance, I’m painfully introverted and anti-social. I don’t really like meeting new people. In fact, I’m not a big fan of people in general. I’d much prefer to bury my head in a book than talk to someone. But I love using Preply and have learned a lot from my tutor. I’d argue that everyone can benefit from using Preply.

The only exception is for people with a very small budget. YouTube videos are free. You can pick up a book for a few bucks and even apps like Pimsleur will cost you less than $20 a month. With Preply, you could be spending that per lesson.

You get what you pay for, though, and even a few monthly lessons can make a massive difference.

Overall Preply Review = Excellent

Preply is easily the best site at what it does. It has its flaws from a tutor’s perspective, but for students, you will not find anything better. Sure, there are low-quality tutors out there. The same is true for any P2P platform. But that’s what the trial lessons and reviews are for.

Also, from my point of view, I really can’t complain. The first tutor I used on the platform is the one I have remained with ever since. I’ve spent over 400 hours learning Greek with Giannis and I will likely spend another 400 hours continuing my tuition (and no doubt continuing to confuse “I found/I exited” and “I forgot/I woke up”).

For me, it’s the best tuition platform around and is up there with Pimsleur in terms of effectiveness as a language-learning resource.

Preply Student Review FAQs

Is Preply legit?

Yes, Preply is a legit service for both students and tutors. It charges a high commission for tutors and many students have complained about expired hours, but it’s legit.

Is Preply a Ukrainian company?

Preply was founded by several Ukrainian entrepreneurs in 2012. It is currently based in Massachusetts, USA.

How long is a lesson on Preply?

Throughout my time on the site, the lessons were always booked in blocks of 1 hour, though I believe it was also possible to book just 30 minutes. Most of my lessons were an hour, some were 2 hours. These days, it seems that the trial lessons are 50 minutes, and the same may apply to other lessons.

It could be that Preply is adopting a more standard approach to language learning, with the 50 minutes used to teach the lesson and the final 10 minutes used to recap, give homework, and prepare the next lesson. It also means that tutors have time to move from one lesson to the next.

How does Preply work?

Preply is a P2P platform. You find tutors, arrange lessons, and then enter the virtual classroom at the scheduled time. The site uses webcam software and contains messaging and file transfer features to progress the lesson.

Does Preply record lessons?

Lessons are not recorded automatically, but the terms and conditions state that Preply may record lessons on occasion for quality control reasons.

Can Preply make you fluent?

Yes. Most language apps and courses can’t promise fluency, but as Preply is all about engaging with a native speaker, you could theoretically reach fluency.

Which payment methods does Preply use?

Preply accepts PayPal, credit cards, and debit cards. You’ll be asked to add and verify a method for automatic billing.